Accounting blogs
Stamp duty
Stamp duty is the tax paid by the purchaser when buying a property, at the time of purchase.
Staff Holiday Pay
During holiday season we are being asked about staff holiday pay.
Subsistence allowance
HMRC allows a certain amount of daily subsistence for tax relief if working away from your usual place of work.
Entertainment is not allowable for VAT purposes. However, some entertaining maybe claimed for tax purposes.
Losses and Tax relief
Losses and Tax relief. Remember that you can offset trade losses against any other income, including rentals, in the same tax year to reduce your tax liability.
IR 35 – be careful. HMRC are again checking if you should be employed by your contractor or not.
Self employed Versus Limited company
We are asked many times, with tax free dividends now at just £2,000 whether it is best to be self employed or Limited.
HMRC Anti Money Laundering Scheme (AMLR)
If you receive any large cash deposits into your business remember you have a duty to check the ID of the person in question as well as the origin of their money and if you have any doubts about your findings to report this to either PMC or HMRC.
2019 ISA allowance
Remember to use your annual £20,000 ISA allowance by the 5th April 2019 or you will lose it for the year!